Spring 2022 Issue

Why I Give: W. Marshall Miller II '75

“Once you find your passions, fund your passions — it is up to us to provide opportunities for the next generation to thrive.”

By Jacob A. Miller ’18

“Why do I give? My passion for William & Mary Athletics began in 1965 with the first basketball game I watched on TV with my dad, Warren M. Miller ’49. I want to pay tribute to our shared love for Tribe Basketball while also separately honoring his 50-year legacy as a CPA and ethical professional. My dad’s career and my success are thanks in part to our W&M education — I want to encourage others to follow in his footsteps at the business school and beyond. Seeing accounting students benefit from the scholarship in his name and watching the team thrive on the court are both meaningful to me. By increasing the impact of my current support through my estate plans, I am providing greater opportunities for future generations. I think the people who are successful in life need to give back to help others. Give where you can have an impact today — and support those you want to see flourish in the future.”