James Blair Hallway

Class of 1975

Class Reporter

Leanne Dorman Kurland

1901 Grove Avenue
Richmond, VA 23220

(847) 533-4084 (cell)

Latest Class Notes

Something a little different this time. I am focusing this issue on our 50th REUNION and wanted to share the responses to my earlier request about your favorite W&M memories or traditions. Plus I also wanted to share responses to a question I posed to your reunion committee when we first started working together last fall: “What one word describes W&M to you?” Hope you enjoy these and that they cause you to think back on your favorite memories. By the time you read this in late January, our reunion will be just around the corner (April 25-27), so if you’ve not made plans to be back on campus for this incredible gathering, there’s still time. See you in April and GO TRIBE ’75! (P.S. If you submitted any news updates, you’ll see those in the spring issue.)

Arthur Cone served as a Kings Arms Tavern waiter and remembers warm pecan pie with vanilla ice cream after a shift, plus being grateful he survived another shift without dropping a full tray down those steep narrow stairs! Do you remember that only male College students could serve as KAT wait staff? How times have changed. Long, dark thick hair to the shoulders was also in … or so he says! See a photo below!

Picture of a young man

Arthur Cone

Susan Hildebrand Ruegger was a high school biology teacher for 30 years. Keeping students’ attention was always a challenge, especially the day before winter/Christmas break. So she always assigned a fun quiz about the holidays for that day with questions like, “What color is Rudolph’s nose?” For extra credit, the question was always: “What is thrown into the Yule log fire along with a twig of holly?” Not once in 30 years did any student have the answer that we all know … one’s cares and worries dissolve as they are thrown into the fire!

Terrence “Terry” Regan: The visceral feeling of trudging up the Wren Building steps that had well-worn indentations from generations of students mounting those very same steps for English classes on the third floor. A lecture by Buckminster Fuller that went on for hours, yet at its conclusion, made complete sense about our world and its place in the universe. Being part of the inaugural Project Plus living/learning experience, with many late-night discussions about “Technology and Man” and “Conflict & Conflict Resolution” (the first two annual themes for Project Plus) and dinner-hour conversations with the likes of Daniel Berrigan, discussing political and organizational change agents. How prescient were those topics! But lest you think Project Plus was all intellectual pursuits, Terry also has memories of toga parties and instruction in bicycle repair and kitchen skills, football practice in the hot humid days of August and being in the old locker room under the stadium stands while “Maggie May” blasted over the speakers.

Bob Wilson sent a rather amazing story that included him and five others, Randy DuVall, Kevin Creyts, Doug Gerhart, Pat Harkin and Frank O’Neill, who were together with him in professor Warren’s strategic management class. In April 1975, the students had interviewed Adnan Khashoggi, the famous/infamous Saudi businessman, in the Campus Center. After a panel discussion, Mr. Khashoggi offered the group the opportunity to tour the Middle East as his guests and at his expense. You may or may not recall that Khashoggi was known as the “Great Gatsby of the Middle East” due to his beyond exceptional wealth. They set out on June 19, 1975, and toured Khashoggi’s business interests and met with business leaders and government officials. Their itinerary included Beirut, the Casino du Liban, Byblos, Jeddah, Riyadh, Dharan and swimming in the Red Sea. One of the highlights was a Bedouin-style dinner at the Emirate of Al-Khari hosted by Sheikh Fahad Al Suwailem (no silverware and don’t use you left hand). They returned to the U.S. after stays in Paris and London. Needless to say, the relationship ended due to the fact that Khashoggi was found to be an arms dealer and was implicated in the Iran-Contra affair. Bob, why have you never submitted this story to Class Notes before now?! 

Sharon Pandak ’75, J.D. ’78: Lively debates at Student Assembly meetings with Speaker David Fedeles presiding. Student demonstrations, often with the support of faculty and staff. President’s aides meetings and chats at President Graves’ house. Reading the Flat Hat cover to cover in the Debate Team office while listening to WCWM staff, whose offices were down the hall from the Debate Team office. Starting to work on the Theta Homecoming float the night before the parade. Sitting on the Miller truck roof with President Graves during Derby Day after a disappointing performance by Theta in the Derby Day games. Working on theatre costuming and tryouts, and scoring a small part in one of the productions. Waltzing at a Sinfonicron event. Hoping not to drop the College mace during graduation. Movie night each week brought by Ed Fischler ’75, M.B.A. ’77 and crew. Bringing the Hoi Poloi Pub back to life with capacity crowds through the efforts of Jay Burgomaster, Wyatt Bethel  ’75, J.D. ’78, Nancy Hadlock Elder ’76 and Ed Fischler, with the help of Ken Smith, staff head of the Campus Center, and other campus administration and maintenance staff after they discovered the groups’ early renovation efforts. Trying to stay awake in class after weekend Debate Team trips with Marcia Carl, Joan Harrigan, Jim Weekly, Brian Yanofchek and coach Patrick Micken. Exploring historic areas of campus late at night with a motley crew. Streakers running through Jefferson 2nd. Ice cream and cake parties in the hall of Jefferson 2nd while avoiding palmetto bugs. Performing excerpts of the theatre production of “1776” all over campus with a host of classmates in the cast and having Professor Howard Scammon attend. Riding in the car with Homecoming Parade Grand Marshal and former Virginia Supreme Court Chief Justice Lawrence W. l’Anson 1928.

William & Mary in one word (or two) —

Van Black: Rollercoaster. Marilyn Ward Midyette: Gratifying (for education and friendships). Jean Berger Estes:Balanced. Lynn Melzer Dillon: Lifelong friends. Gene Schultz: Swim test and food at the Commons. Karen Kennedy Schultz: Fantastic president. Dave Larson: Wren Chapel. Linda Cool Larson: Hot pastrami. Rudy Tucker: Life-changing. Cathy Gonzales O’Kelly: Expensive. Marcia Carl Simpkins ’75, M.Ed. ’77, M.B.A. ’78: Sorority. Neil Jesuele: Breakout. Roy Terry: Transformative. Jane Koenig Terry: Singing “Economist.” Barb L. Ramsey:Exploration. Deborah Allen Hewitt: Collegiate. Jonathan Layne: Growth/growing (experience with year abroad). Connie Warren Desaulniers: Loyalty. Ed Burnette ’75, J.D. ’78: Challenging. Carmella Maurizi Bladergroen:Fulfillment. Mark Bladergroen: Football scholar or scholar athlete. You pick. Tom Wilke ’75, M.A.Ed. ’77:Brotherhood.

Now come up with your word and your favorite memory! See you in April!

Class Notes Archive

Randy Mowry sent news for the first time, so he gets first billing! He was an anthropology major and a DJ at WCWM. After graduation, he worked on salvage digs in Williamsburg, then at Eastern State Hospital, where he developed an interest in psychology. He went on to get his Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee. He taught at the University of Arkansas, then at New York University (NYU), focusing on people with disabilities, especially those hard of hearing or deaf. He became fluent in American Sign Language. He retired from NYU in 2018, moved to Northwest New Jersey and continues working part time counseling deaf people at a mental health clinic in New York City’s Queens borough. He and his partner, Michael, will be celebrating 12 years together in October.

Bruce Falk, in addition to visiting family in New Hampshire and North Carolina last spring (he got to witness his little grandson’s first steps!), is working on his bucket list. He completed a five-day cross-country train trip, somewhat reenacting a trip his father and grandparents made in 1943 to see Bruce’s uncle graduate from flight school. Bruce and his wife visited college roommate and classmate Dave Restuccia in Minneapolis this past summer (hopefully they missed mosquito season!) and are looking forward to Homecoming & Reunion Weekend in October.

Gary Powers reports that The Success Foundation (TSF) (www.successva.org) that he and Don DeLaney founded in 2018 continues to thrive. The organization mentors young adults who have come through the foster care program, helping them with fundamental skills required to find employment, pursue continuing education, manage personal finances and more. TSF volunteers’ work is all offered pro bono, and they received the MLK Drum Major Award for exemplary community service in 2022. Among the W&M alumni serving as TSF mentors are: Mary Miley Theobald ’74, M.A. ’80, Georgia Hammond ’75, M.A. ’81, Pettus LeCompte, Gerry White ’76, M.B.A. ’78, Bob Cavaliere ’76, Joe Conte ’78, Debbie Kelley Davis ’77, Mike Enoch ’78, Rachel Mayes Strawn M.A.Ed. ’93, Ed.D. ’14, Ph.D. ’14 and Emily Martin Julien ’17. Serving on TSF’s Board of Directors: Sarah Bane Williams ’76, M.B.A. ’78 and Adrienne Marshall Whitaker ’87. For more information: garyspowers@gmail.com.

Duane Reaugh M.S. ’75 got his master’s in applied science with a computer emphasis at W&M. After a 40-year computer writing career (some of that time while an undergraduate), he retired in 2010, worked for Apple retail for five years and started teaching computer classes for seniors in Cary, North Carolina. He received the “Volunteer of the Year 2023” award for his service teaching technology classes for the city of Cary for over 10 years. Duane, you are another outstanding example of W&M alumni giving back to their communities.

Arthur Cone retired in January 2024 but quickly filled retirement time by getting elected as president of the Highlands Ranch (Colorado) Rotary Club in July. The 120-member club supports more than 30 nonprofit charities and organizations in their Colorado community as well as communities in Costa Rica and Belize, focusing on veterans, pediatric and adolescent mental health, food    insecurities and more. Arthur shared with me that he has hit more than a few “potholes in the medical road of life,” but he has an amazingly positive outlook and remains hopeful. Keep him in your thoughts as he continues facing some serious challenges: arthurcone@alc3llc.com or linkedin.com/in/arthur-cone.

Van Black moved up to Jacksonville, Florida, and is enjoying his condo and being closer to family and friends. Retirement has provided time to do some writing and he shared one of his pieces written earlier this year, “Hark Dancing” (see below). 

“Hark Dancing”

Based on a real event.

Our 1975 William & Mary graduation was 72 hours away. Two final members of our crew confirmed they’d passed their exams after challenging final semesters.

We wanted to celebrate together before we got caught up in all the pomp, circumstance and family commitments of Commencement.

We wondered, after departing campus for other states (and countries) to pursue new jobs, further education or even marriage, how often we would be together again?

Dressed to kill, we waltzed into a local hotel with a live band and a huge, shiny dance floor. We settled at a table for 12. The soda, beer and drinks started flowing; our feet started tapping and stomping. Everyone was smiling, laughing and reminiscing.

After 30 minutes, I noticed across the room a large group of elderly folks who seemed intrigued by our escapades. I walked over to one of the women in that group, introduced myself and asked her if we were too loud.

“Oh, my word, son. Not at all. Watching you is flooding all of us with fond memories.” Pointing to the tables around her, she continued, “We’re here to celebrate our 50th reunion from William & Mary.”

I extended my hand to her. “Congratulations! Frances, may I have this dance? We’re all graduating on Sunday!”

She replied, “You’re on, Van.”

“Most of us have no clue what we’re doing out on the floor, but we have plenty of energy!”

“Maybe I can teach you a few steps.”

“I like the sound of that. First, let me introduce you to my friends.” I led her over to our table and did all the intros. Told the troops about her 50th reunion. Looking back to Frances’ table, I saw a few of her classmates laughing hysterically!

I noticed my roommate Mark approaching the band leader, Cabot, and whispering something to him.

After the gang met Frances, they stood up, crossed the floor and found dance partners from the Class of ’25. The reunion entourage numbered 14, so two female alums did not have partners … but not for long. Jim and Heldur stepped forward, informing them they each could handle two women.

At the end of a set, Cabot announced, “We’re going to take a short break, but your music won’t stop.” Mark, Trudy, Jim, Jane and Roy — all current or former choir members, took the stage.

Mark announced, “Apologies in advance. We’re improvising this, so please don’t throw things at us if you don’t like it. Here’s a tune last updated in 1928-29. We dedicate it to our new friends from the Class of 1925.”

The quintet launched into “Hark! the students’ voices swelling,” the opening line of “Our Alma Mater,” but with a jazzy vibe. Later, at Mark’s signal, other alums stood at their tables and joined in.

As the song ended, Frances approached the mic. “I’m sure I speak for my 50th reunion classmates. Thank you to the Class of ’75 for an evening we will never forget.”

She continued, “Two of my dance partners seemed concerned that you new graduates will drift apart. Hogwash. With the heart, spirit and kindness you demonstrated tonight, your Class of ’75 will stay connected, I’m sure. Bless you. Now, I’m going to bed. You wore me out!”

We partied until the hotel kicked us out at 2 a.m., optimistic our friendships would endure. Standing in the parking lot minutes later, I asked our group, “Do you think the Class of 2025will think we’re elderly at our 50th reunion?”

In unison, everyone screamed, “Never!” Jim added, “We’ll wear them out, too!”

Van Black

January 2024

Our 50th reunion is coming April 25-27, 2025. What better way to celebrate five decades since graduation than by donning cap and gown again? Mark your calendars!

Bob Wilson sent news of an upcoming W&M Varsity Wrestling Alumni reunion on June 8 in Hampton, Virginia, at the home of fellow ’75 wrestler Steve Forbes ’75, J.D. ’81. Other wrestling alumni: Don Brizendine, Gary Burrow, Mike Furiness, Mac Pierrcy (deceased), Dan Rosenkrans, Dave Topping, Rocky Trudgeon and All-American awardee Mark Belknap. Let us know how the reunion went, Bob.

Bill Smyth is a model of community involvement. He volunteers at a local food bank, the local hospital, two preservation societies that run spring and fall house and garden tours, the town planning commission and the local high school, where he takes pictures of classroom and fine arts activities for posting on the school’s website. What a great asset you are to your community, Bill, and a wonderful example of service for others.

Judith Baroody has published her first sci-fi novel, “Return of the Silent Sovereign,” a story that combines “Star Trek,” “Wonder Woman” and a bit of “Romeo and Juliet.” That’s an intriguing plot teaser, Judith! She continues to work for the State Department and most recently traveled through the entire Panama Canal with her husband. 

Photo of Judith Baroody standing next to the Thomas Jefferson statue on W&M's campus.

Judith Baroody visits a special "friend" in Williamsburg.

Lynn Dillon and John Dillon met up with Ed Burnette ’75, J.D. ’78 in Lynchburg this February for a Mardi Gras party. Ed is back to playing trumpet and singing backup vocals with his new band, “Second Wind.” The band plays classic hits from the Beach Boys to Bruno Mars. Joining in the Mardi Gras fun were Melissa Wright Johnson and Wayne Johnson, Doug Reichert and Donna Follini Reichert ’74, Catherine Peppiatt Madden ’76 and Charles “Chip” Mason ’78. Continuing the fun, in March, a large group of Tribe members went to The Barns at Wolf Trap to hear John Lloyd Young, one of Broadway’s original performers in “Jersey Boys.” Gathering with Lynn were Claire Monahan Dame, Barb Bingham, Tricia Pugh Manning, Alison Williams Duncan, Dru Conway Kevit ’76, M.Ed. ’77, Betsy Moore Hanlon ’76 and Mary Hutchinson Wilson ’74. All live in the greater D.C. area and have the good fortune to gather often.

More reunion news: the Pi Phis gathered for TWO reunions last fall — September for their annual beach gathering in Sandbridge and December for Richmond’s Fan Holiday House Tour. At the beach were Jean Berger Estes (our hugely gracious host), Jan Wampler Booker, Leslie Himelright Dell, Melissa Wright Johnson, Nancy Tienken Milburn, Cathy Gonzales O’Kelly, Cindy Holbrook Gubb, Jan Rivero, Lisa Grable, Sue Hanna Gerdelman ’76, Beth Sanders Welsh ’76 and Emily Davies ’76 and I! Then, meeting up in Richmond were Kathy Burke Dictor, Cindy Reasor Broten, Jean Berger Estes, Jan Wampler Booker, Melissa Wright Johnson, Cathy Gonzales O’Kelly, Jan Rivero, Emily Davies ’76 and I was there too! This time, some stayed with Jean, and some stayed with me. My house was one of the houses featured on the tour. All agreed — our reunions restore our souls. Go wine and silver blue!

Mary Gentile, formerly a University of Virginia Darden School of Business ethics professor, is the creator/director of “Giving Voice to Values.” GVV is an innovative approach to values-driven leadership development that has been shared with over 1,400 educational institutions and businesses worldwide. Highlights of the curriculum include the development of a suite of new educational materials applying the GVV approach to technology ethics scenarios, collaboration with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, a GVV Working Group to be led by The Ethics and Compliance Initiative (ECI) bringing together leaders from a variety of industries to explore ways that GVV can be utilized in business, a new course on ethical leadership based on GVV offered by the Open Society University Network for 12 institutions around the globe, presentations for audiences in China, India, Africa, Europe and across the U.S.A. and much more. For more information go to www.GivingVoiceToValues.org. 

Send news, classmates, and GO TRIBE!

Bill Smyth, our senior class vice president, returned to campus last spring for his annual visit, together with Dicky Rhyne ’76. They were caretakers in residence at the Wesley Foundation. Bill gave a hugely impressive review of the College’s many current achievements — No. 1 for internships among public universities; No. 4 for study abroad participation; majors and minors now numbering over 115; and many more facts were on his long list of W&M academic accomplishments. Bill’s enthusiasm for alma mater “rings far and near!”

Crystel Orndoff Kurtzberg retired last year from the CIA and has moved to Ashburn, Virginia. When not busy with lots of fun activities in her over-55 community, she spends time visiting with friends and her son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. Retirement agrees with her!

Lynn Dillon sent news of the wonderful Kappa Kappa Gamma Centennial celebration last April. The weekend was a great success with tours, dinners, special Swem exhibit and more. In attendance: Pat Ferguson Watkinson, Lynne Shackelford, Elaine Justice, Mary Lou Giermak Nexsen, Connie Warren Desaulniers, Cathy Wilson, Carmella Maurizi Bladergroen, Pat Williams Houtz and Leslie Scent Knicely. Apologies again, Lynn, that I did not get Bill’s, Crystal’s and your submission in the fall issue.

Sending news for the first time (thanks, Jad!), Jad Kanchanalak Davis, with husband Craig Davis ’74, live in Northampton, Massachusetts. Jad retired from Smith College’s alumnae affairs office about five years ago. They are considering retiring to Williamsburg and would love to hear thoughts from classmates who have made that move (jaddaviss@smith.edu). She makes regular trips to Bangkok to visit family and to northern Europe with Craig, who teaches Medieval Nordic studies/Icelandic sagas.

Barb Ramsey received the prestigious W&M 2023 Prentis Award, given annually to a Williamsburg resident, honoring strong civic involvement and support of William & Mary. Also, Jean Berger Estes, Marilyn Ward Midyette and Karen Kennedy Schultz and Gene Schultz joined Barb at her home, hosting a group of Global Research Institute summer fellows. It was an impressive group of students and faculty who have traveled to all parts of the world doing research on topics of national interest.

Nancy Gatschet is happily retired after 38 years in banking. Having completed her term as president of La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary Club, she does volunteer and board service for a several nonprofits focusing on cancer, critters, music for kids and financial literacy for survivors of human trafficking. She gets together in person with suitemates from Dupont and Jefferson, joins her Pi Phi sisters on regular Zoom chats and visits with precious grandkids as often as possible.

Joe Masterson sends news of Greg Greenway’s continued success in the folk music world with release of his latest album, “Between Hello and Goodbye,” awarded “most played album” on folk radio in April 2023 with three of his songs in the top 10. Joe, his wife, Lydia Spindle Masterson ’78, and Gates Parker got together with Greg recently and all encourage checking out Greg’s website. Joe also sees golf buddies Jack Blush, Tom Wilke ’75, M.A.Ed. ’77 and Tom Finch ’75, M.B.A. ’77 and sends a shoutout to his Lambda Chi brothers. He will miss Homecoming & Reunion Weekend this year and the annual party but will be celebrating grandkids’ birthdays.

Norah Lulich Jones and William Eldridge Jones ’74 are expecting grandchild No. 6 any moment and both are still farming on the family farm in Southside Virginia. Norah continues her podcast “It’s About Language,” now on episode 119.

Bruce Falk and his wife, Dianne, were in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for their older son Matt’s wedding. A number of other classmates and alumni were there as well — Dave Restuccia, Mike Madden ’75, M.Ed. ’77, Chris Jackson ’77, Andy Vanderhoof ’77 and Steve Hendricks ’77. Bruce continues teaching courses in project management … and tries to stay out of trouble.

Arthur Cone, after working 50 years in food service, at Coca-Cola North America and Prudential, retires in January 2024. He’s looking forward to fun family time, travel and serving as president of his local Rotary Club in Colorado.

Celebrating our 70th birthdays is a recurring theme this issue!

Terry Regan sent news of a great group 70th birthday celebration last May in Italy, staying in a 1684 Tuscan villa with his wife, Shelagh, and classmates Jim Harmon and his wife, Ann; Bill Hanlon and his friend Annie; Payne Midyette and Marilyn Ward Midyette; Joe Stubbs and his wife, Annabelle, and very special friends Sue Shiver Carron ’72 and Michael Carron M.A. ’76, Ph.D. ’80, who were Project Plus house parents back in “our day.” Rob Scarr joined by video for the final dinner to round out a great celebration. All are looking forward to our 50th reunion.

Arthur Cone is officially retiring Dec. 31, 2023, after 50 years in food service management and financial planning, including work for Coca-Cola North America and Prudential Advisors. He’s now happily focusing on family, friends, golf and a long bucket list of travels beginning with a Caribbean cruise. He also serves as president-elect of his community’s Rotary Club. He and his wife, Terre, get back to Virginia every year and would welcome visitors to their Colorado home.

Margery Daughtrey received her Ph.D. at Cornell University in spring 2023 in plant pathology and plant-microbe biology. She has been working for Cornell since 1978 and it seems her colleagues and the university were not willing to see her retire. Congratulations, Margery!

John “JD” Dodd lives in Southport, North Carolina. He is active in his church, does part-time consulting and is a high school boys lacrosse coach. His Cape Fear Academy team won their second-in-a-row state championship. Congratulations! John made it back for three Tribe football games last fall and is looking forward to more return trips to campus this fall.

Bruce Falk is a proud first-time grandfather, welcoming his grandson, Oliver, last May. His son, Trevor, and daughter-in-law, Catherine, are enjoying parenthood, sleep deprived though they may be. Their other son, Matt, serving in the Marine Corps, is getting married this October. Bruce and his wife, Dianne, continue the 70th celebration theme, attending two separate surprise parties for Mike Madden ’75, M.Ed. 77 and Dave Restuccia with his wife, Kelly. Also there to help celebrate were Andy Vanderhoof ’77 and his wife, Marie; Steve Hendricks ’77 and his wife, Cindy; Chris Jackson ’77 and Jan Tomes Jackson ’78, M.A.Ed. ’86.

Gene Schultz, speaking for his wife, Karen Kennedy Schultz, and for himself, reports that Karen completed her second term on the W&M Board of Visitors. Thank you, Karen, for your eight years of dedicated work and service to alma mater. After retirement, Gene, in addition to doing research projects for the Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society, started playing highland bagpipes with the City of Winchester Pipes and Drums. The band has a full schedule, and Gene also played with the Williamsburg Pipes and Drums in Colonial Williamsburg last spring, a performance that made the front page of the Virginia Gazette. Both Gene and Karen participated in W&M track/cross country team reunion activities last spring and were glad to see Gene’s freshman year roommate, Jim DiSciullo, as well as Gene’s high school and W&M coach, Baxter Berryhill. Daughter Katie Schultz Plum ’06, M.A.Ed. ’12 works for Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools and is pursuing her doctorate in education at W&M. Son Ben Schultz ’09 and his family now live in Virginia. He does market research for UPS.

Cindy Holbrook Gubb continues work with her consulting business that helps nonprofit organizations with board development, management and fundraising. She’s also involved with a project building affordable homes to sell to families of modest means. She’s especially excited about a new purchase, a fully equipped camper van. Cindy’s goal is to visit all 63 National Parks. She and her husband, Larry, have visited 35 so far. Impressive! That camper is going to see a lot of miles.

Continued happy birthdays to all as we hit 70. Still hard for me to wrap my brain around that number. Send news! leannekurland@gmail.com

Happy Spring, classmates. Everyone must have been very busy last January, either recovering from busy holidays and/or working on their New Year’s resolutions. For the first time, I received very little news! So, I expect to receive a wealth of news in my inbox when I next call for updates for the fall issue. Or better yet, you can send news when you read this or at any time. I can update the online version as often as I want, plus there is a higher word count, so I am not quite as limited as with the print copy. See below for navigational tips for this site.

David Blount, a former partner with the LBB law firm, has retired. I didn’t get many details as to how retirement is treating him, but hopefully well. He now has a new email address: dbpc@me.com. 

Avid skier Cindy Holbrook Gubb, along with her husband, Larry, have been disappointed (keep in mind, I’m typing in January) with Vermont’s ski season so far, but are headed to Park City, Utah, in February, where there will surely be excellent conditions. With her professional background in fundraising, Cindy has gotten involved with a volunteer project — the Mountain Towns Housing Project — that is currently building one unit of affordable housing for families of modest means, similar in size/scope to that of the Habitat for Humanity model. She vowed she would never fundraise again after her retirement, but could not say no to this project given the high number of young families who cannot find affordable housing in their area. She and the other volunteers raise money and products or services to support the project. Her town of Londonderry, Vermont, is in the process of doing a housing assessment study and so far, the data confirms what everyone knows … that there is a huge shortage of available housing options in their areas. Of their $400,000 goal of cash and products/services, they have raised about $300,000. Well done, Cindy, and all the volunteers. When not doing this very worthy volunteer project, her consulting business is going well, and she continues to find it fun and rewarding. The hours remain flexible enough for her to do her job in the afternoons and ski in the morning … or camp and hike when winter is over!

So that’s it, classmates. I look forward to a bonanza of news. Again, you don’t need to wait for me to send an all-class email. Write to me as soon as you see this, or anytime you have news, and I can update the online version and include it in the next print issue as well. 


Mindy Wolff was inducted into the W&M Athletics Hall of Fame in September 2022! Mindy was a swim team champion and two-time All American, holding state records for the 50-meter and 100-meter breaststroke. She competed in the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women national meet each of her last three years at W&M. As a U.S. Masters swimmer, she was No. 1 in six individual events, holding two national records in her respective age group between 2005 and 2019. For a complete and inspiring account of Mindy’s amazing career and incredible achievements, go to tribeathletics.com/honors/hall-of-fame/mindy-wolff/424. Cheering her on at the induction ceremony were her husband, Ed Greer, and classmates Marilyn Ward Midyette and Payne Midyette, Lynn Melzer Dillon, Lynne Shackelford, Barb Ramsey, Leslie Scent Knicely and Pat Ferguson Watkinson. While Mary Lou Giermak Nexsen was not at the ceremony, Mindy also got to catch up with her that weekend. Besides sending me news about Mindy, Lynn happily reports that life has returned to a bit more normal with summer 2022 travels. She and John Dillon visited Lexington, Kentucky; Stone Harbor, New Jersey; North Carolina’s Outer Banks and St. Michaels, Maryland.

Richard “Rick” Johnson sent news of a whirlwind trip last spring visiting 10 national parks with classmates Jon Jarvis (former director of the National Park Service under former President Obama), Randy Mayes, Bruce Pflaum and Dale Cropper. They met in Utah, touring national parks and monuments, state parks and the Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park. Jon provided great insider knowledge from his days with the NPS. Along with incredible sights and experiences, they shared fond stories of W&M and lifelong friendships. Rick mentioned “fireworks wars” and cold beverages. Talk to Rick!

Another gathering occurred just after Labor Day when 10 Pi Beta Phis met up in Sandbridge, Virginia Beach, for three great days of endless talks, walks, yoga, fun, food (including Frogmore stew, also known as a Lowcountry boil) and more celebrating of those lifelong friendships. There to celebrate getting together again in person after COVID-19 postponements were Jean Berger Estes (our gracious host!), Leslie Himelright Dell, Melissa Wright Johnson, Jan Wampler Booker (our yoga teacher!), Cathy Gonzales O’Kelly, Jan Rivero (master chef behind the stew!), Kathy Burke Dictor, Emily Davies ’76, Sue Hanna Gerdelman ’76 and me!

Jeff Doyle and his wife, Jane, made the decision to move into a retirement community last November, leaving the only house they’ve lived in for their 42 years together in Ithaca, New York. That has to be a record, Jeff, given most people’s frequent moves through the years. It was hard to leave their home and gardens, but they took some of their prize plants to their new home. Their new community is said to have the second-best physics department in Ithaca … lots of Cornell University faculty there! Jeff is still with Cornell in the Plant Breeding and Genetics Department and remains very active in research. His chairmanship of the department ended in 2020. Jeff’s mother, 96, lives in Ithaca and Jane’s father, 100, still lives on the Indiana farm where Jane was born. 

Meredith Merritt continues her work as a writer, which includes the frustrating part — waiting for agents and publishers to respond! Current works in process include haiku, children’s books about dragons and a poem. 

Bruce Falk sent news of a great time at Homecoming & Reunion Weekend with classmates and friends: Mike Madden ’75, M.Ed. ’77; Chris Jackson ’77 and Jan Tomes Jackson ’78; Steve Hendricks ’77 and his wife, Cindy; Andy Vanderhoof ’77 and wife, Marie; George Tsahakis ’77 and Gary Killmon ’77. Walks around DoG Street and a huge “W” for the Tribe, beating 5 & 0 Delaware, made for a great weekend.

Judith Baroody published her second book of short stories, “Paris Gold: Ten Tales of Treasures Lost and Found.” Fiction based on her travels around the world, it is laced with suspense and horror. Both this and her first book, “Casablanca Blue,” are available on Amazon. 

Bill Smyth spent a week in Williamsburg last spring. He walked the campus several times and says it is more beautiful than ever. New buildings and landscape projects abound and “every inch is beautiful.” He had dinner with Paul Powell ’76 and attended Virginia Garden Week festivities with his sister-in-law, Marie Payne Neal ’72.

Also, last spring, Fred Henritze ’76 attended the wedding of Randy Duvall’s daughter at Tranquility Farm in Purcellville, Virginia. Also attending: Butch Palmer, Mike Dobson, Robert Eley ’76 and Andy Herzog ’76.

Sadly, Meredith Merritt-Beagle let me know that her multiple sclerosis has gotten worse, and she is now using a wheelchair. But she also said how grateful she is for her aide, Sylvia, and how much she enjoys her company, her excellent care and the fun she provides. Your positive attitude is an inspiration, Meredith.

Karen Kennedy Schultz says she is finally retired from professorship, teaching in a pharmacy school and creating and directing the Center for Public Service & Scholarship at Shenandoah University. I suspect Karen (a member of the W&M Board of Visitors) will remain busy and involved even in retirement.

James Van Black was in Williamsburg and Richmond last April, spending time with many classmates and other W&M friends and staff. It was Traditions Weekend, where 50th Reunion classes are honored, and it got him to thinking. In his words: “Our 50th is only three years away. If you don’t realize how quickly time can fly, think back to 2019 … we had never heard of COVID-19. Start a list now of some classmate friends you haven’t seen in a long time, maybe since our graduation. Reach out to them. Reconnect. Encourage them to come to the 50th.” Perfectly said, Van. Reconnecting and staying connected is more important now than ever.

Stephen Morewitz, founder and president of the Forensic Social Sciences Association (FSSA), is well recognized for his work in forensic social sciences, chronic diseases and medical education. His biography was recently published in EverybodyWiki. 

Neil Jesuele sent the following note about Larry Pulley ’74 that many of you will appreciate: “As someone whom many of us have known in different ways through all these years, the Class of 1975 would like to thank and congratulate Larry Pulley on his well-deserved retirement following his magnificent service and contributions as dean of the Raymond A. Mason School of Business. Speaking from my own experience, Larry was such a great fraternity brother at Pi Lam, a model citizen and his door was always open to us while serving as dean. He will be missed, but now we’ll have even more time to spend with Larry and perhaps he’ll even swing a golf club with us on occasion. All the best from Neil and the Class of 1975!” 

I’m sure most everyone knows this, but this past July, Marilyn Ward Midyette, after eight years of superb and dedicated leadership, retired from her role as chief executive officer of the W&M Alumni Association (see pages 42-47). Her incredible service to W&M spans nearly 50 years and includes positions on numerous volunteer committees, the Annual Giving Board and the W&M Alumni Association Board, to name a few. There are not enough accolades or words to express our collective thanks for all Marilyn has done for alma mater for so many years, so from the BCE (Best Class Ever) to one of its BME (Best Members Ever), thank you, Marilyn, for everything. And just as there is a first gentleman to President Rowe, there was a first gentleman to Marilyn …. her husband, Payne Midyette. Payne served as escort extraordinaire to countless events and ceremonies as well as host companion on Alumni Journeys, most recently to the Galapagos Islands in March and Bavaria in June. Even more impressive, Payne recently helped their son Reade move from Minot, North Dakota, to Annapolis, Maryland. You might not think much about helping a son move, but it was minus 20 degrees in Minot when they loaded up the truck!

Norah Lulich Jones, owner of Fluency Consulting, Inc., has an M.Ed. from the University of Lynchburg and has begun a third career as a podcaster discussing French and Spanish languages, cultures and linguistics. This followed her first career as teacher and supervisor in world languages and her second career as an educational publisher doing language and linguistics presentations and training around the country. COVID-19 stopped her traveling, but she continues her podcasting and consulting work. No retiring for her! Check out her “It’s About Language, With Norah Jones” podcast at fluency.consulting/its-about-language-podcast.

I received a sad report from James Van Black. In Van’s own words: “In mid-November, W&M swimmers, Yates Basement dwellers, Camm 3rd cronies and bird-watching friends from throughout Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Florida gathered in Richmond, Virginia, to celebrate the life of classmate, swim team captain and dear friend Dodge Havens, who, quoting Dodge, ‘finished second in a long competition with cancer.’ Joining Dodge’s wife, Jo Butler Havens ’78, and brothers, Keith Havens ’76 and Kirk Havens (professor and research director at VIMS), in the celebration of Hodge’s life were Bruce Cleland, Beth DiPace Liivak ’76 and Heldur Liivak, Jim Davison, Karen Kennedy Schultz, Bruce Hartzler ’78, Greg Routzong ’76, and Kerry Dearfield ’74 and Gayle Fox Dearfield ’74” and of course Van Black. He closed his sad news about the loss of a best friend with, “I’m sure Dodge is giving terrific canoe tours in heaven.” Best friends are among life’s greatest blessings. Their passing leaves an enormous hole in many hearts.

Gary Powers sent an update on progress made by The Success Foundation (TSF), a nonprofit founded by Gary and classmate Don Delaney in 2018. TSF mentors young adults who have come through the foster care system. They assist in placement with an independent living agency and continue mentoring until age 21. In the three years since its founding by Gary and Don, TSF has added another 13 mentors, many with W&M connections. Among them: Mary Miley Theobald ’74, Sarah Bane Williams ’76, M.B.A ’78, Bob Cavaliere ’76, Adrienne Marshall Whitaker ’87 and Emily Martin ’18. The foundation was honored to receive Richmond’s “Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drum Major Award” this past January. At the MLK ceremony in January 2022, Adrienne Whitaker ’87 served as Mistress of Ceremonies. www.successva.org

Bruce Falk was glad to be back on campus last fall for Homecoming & Reunion Weekend, gathering with Mike Madden; Dave Restuccia and his wife, Kelly Butterfield; Steve Hendricks ’77 and his wife, Cindy; Chris Jackson ’77 and Jan Jackson ’78, M.Ed. ’86; and Andy Vanderhoof ’77 and his wife, Marie. All enjoyed lots of eating and drinking along DoG Street, plus pizza from Sal’s and a must-stop deli sandwich run. Ask Bruce about potato salad sandwiches next time you see him or Dave. Bruce is still teaching classes in project management, still virtually, and agrees with my sentiment about looking forward to returning to “precedented times.”

And speaking of Homecoming, I, too, enjoyed getting back on campus at Homecoming & Reunion Weekend last fall and joined up with Jean Berger Estes and Rob Estes ’74, Jan Wampler Booker and her husband, Buz, and yours truly with my husband, Alex Kurland HON ’19. A wonderful time was had by our smaller Tribe of six, but we are looking forward to Homecoming ’22, when we hope more of the Pi Phi gang (and lots of others!) will return for fun and festivities. And if you’ve not been back, wait until you to see the new Alumni House! Truly spectacular.

Happy spring and continue staying well. I fervently hope that when you read this, we really will be in better (and back to “precedented!”) times. GO TRIBE!

Hello, classmates. Just got home after attending our 46th Homecoming & Reunion Weekend! It was great to gather again on campus in something close to normal, although careful attention to safety is still at the forefront and William & Mary did a wonderful job of bringing us together again. I did not get to see quite as many people as I wanted, but hopefully many of you were there and had a great time. Send me news if you did! 

Anne McGuire sends greeting from Freiburg, Germany, where she has been living and working since 1985! After singing with several German opera houses over 15 years, she opened her own voice studio in 2000 and continued teaching until retiring in 2020. Transition to retirement was a bit different than planned, but she reports she is doing well, is healthy, has a wonderful network of friends, and while she didn’t say it, I suspect she is still singing. While not able to attend Homecoming, she is kept “in the loop” by some of her close classmate friends.

Anne McGuire '75

Meredith Merritt-Beagle has just published “Astrocytoma: My Journey,” taking a year and a half to complete this difficult project. It is about her recovery from brain cancer. While it contains science material, it was written for a more general readership and she feels certain all would find it accessible. The publisher is Library Partners Press/Wake Forest University, and it is available from Amazon.

James B. “Buck” McCabe ’73, M.B.A. ’75, joined the board of directors of ChenMed, a national leader in primary care for underserved seniors. For 35 years, Buck was CFO and a member of the executive committee for Chick-fil-A, building a small group of restaurants in the Southeast into a $10 billion a year service company. Buck received his bachelor’s degree in accounting and his Master of Business Administration at W&M, then went on to graduate from Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program. He is a CPA and served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army.

And last but certainly not least … ’75 Best Class Ever continues its reign. The BCE theme was symbolized through the beautiful bookmarks Jane Koenig Terry designed and the BCE buttons courtesy of Van Black. Huge thanks to classmates’ support of our Homecoming service project raising funds for the Williamsburg chapter of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). The goal was exceeded by 33%! Kudos to those classmates who braved Saturday’s torrential rains to join in the Annual NAMI  Walk — Roy Terry and Jane Keonig Terry, Tom Ferguson ’75, M.B.A. ’78,  Nancy McMahon, Jim Larsen, Heldur Liivak and Beth DiPace Liivak ’76, Sharon Pandak ’75, J.D. ’78, and Van Black.The open House at Barb Ramsey’s home was another wonderful gathering. Thanks, Barb, for yet again being such a gracious host, and thanks to all who helped with food, setup and cleanup. Special thanks to Heldur, self-appointed greeter, who shared his Green and Gold copy from our freshman year. It verified not only who was attending but also confirmed how little any of us have changed!

I’ve heard that some may not be receiving the all-class emails I send. If you are reading this but are not receiving the emails, it is because the College does not have an active and current email for you or because you have requested to unsubscribe from hearing from the College via email. If you would like to receive emails with class news or announcements such as the one I sent about Barb’s Open House and Homecoming service project (my emails are not tied to fundraising or giving records), send a note to alumni.records@wm.edu with your current email, or visit wmalumni.com/update.

Van Black was finally back in Williamsburg and had a great and busy week, getting together with Gene Schultz and Karen Kennedy Schultz (along with their daughter, Katie Schultz Plum ’06, M.A.Ed. ’12); Sharon Pandak ’75, J.D. ’78; Heldur Liivak and Beth DiPace

Liivak ’76; Roy Terry and Jane Koenig Terry; Barb Ramsey; Roger Crook ’78 and his wife, Sue; Corey Trench ’76; Bob Cavaliere ’76 and wife Sue Taylor Cavaliere ’77; a large group of younger alumni from the Staying Connective initiative … and me! Barb Ramsey gave him an outside tour of the new Alumni House and the Reveley Garden. He needed a vacation when he got back to Florida! Van plans to be back for Homecoming.

Jeff Doyle and his wife, Jane, have started to re-engage again with an overnight to a small inn in Cooperstown, New York and a trip to Indiana to visit Jane’s father and mother, ages 99 and 93, respectively. Her parents still live on the small family farm where Jane grew up and her father still mows the grounds with a lawn tractor! Jeff had his first in-person meeting, a Ph.D.-qualifying exam, and continues his work as a professor at the School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell University. He was on sabbatical this past spring, his first since 1992, and enjoyed being able to fully focus on research, even though travel was limited due to COVID. As most, he worked from home and attended Zoom meetings and coordinated the graduate student seminar class.

Nancy Kohlhas Gatschet stays connected to her Pi Phi sisters with Zoom and even credits it for bringing her closer to the group of 15 who have a monthly book club and a twice monthly “just chat” Zoom. She is active in her local Rotary Club in San Diego, which helped her fund a clinic in Tanzania at the Tuleeni Children’s Home. She serves on the board of the Patient Empowerment Network (www.powerfulpatients.org), which educates and supports cancer patients, and is on the Board of Advocates for Classical Music, which helps prepare elementary-age kids for field trips to the symphony. She sees her daughter and granddaughter often there in San Diego and tries to visit her son and grandson in North Carolina twice a year, COVID notwithstanding. She has a 50th high school reunion coming up, as do many of us! 50 years. Yikes!

Sharon Pandak also credits Zoom with keeping her in touch with Linda Cleek Gray, Marcia Carl Simpkins ’75, M.Ed. ’77, M.B.A. ’78 and Joan Harrigan. She caught up with Van Black as mentioned above and had a good phone visit with Ed Fischler ’75, M.B.A. ’77. Ed and his wife, Lynn, are enjoying retirement in Florida.

Debbie Allen Hewitt is semi-retired but continues teaching a few courses at W&M’s Raymond A. Mason School of Business. Teaching, even remotely, has been a great way to remain connected during COVID times. She got together with Connie Warren Desaulniers (both have downsized to Kingsmill and are a quick walk away from each other) and has been in touch with Megan Philpotts Padden, also enjoying retirement and living in Norfolk. Megan’s daughter, Bevin Padden M.B.A. ’13, was a student of Debbie’s in the W&M MBA program. Connie has kept in touch with Wanda Dove Greene and is sad to share that Wanda’s husband, Fred, passed away earlier this year from COVID-19. Wanda would appreciate hearing from classmates at this difficult time. 

Bruce Falk says things are well in Northern Virginia (second vaccination shot — done!) and he is still teaching a class in project management. His commute is much better … down 13 steps to his basement rather than an hour-and-a-half drive! He and his wife, Dianne, are delighted that Homecoming appears to be “on” and are planning to attend and are hoping to see Mike Madden ’75, M.Ed. ’77; Dave Restuccia, Andy Vanderhoof ’77, Steve Hendricks ’77, Chris Jackson ’77and his wife, Jan Tomes Jackson ’78, M.A.Ed. ’86. Bruce is optimistic that Homecoming will be like old times once again. Unlimited beer at pre-game lunch in the Sunken Garden? Maybe!

When you read this, flowers will be blooming after a very likely long and dark winter. Hope everyone continues to stay healthy. And when you are reading this, hopefully many or all will be vaccinated!

Arthur Cone checked in from Colorado, where the weather was beautiful … with little snow! He, too, is looking forward to getting his vaccination. He sends congratulations to our class for their reunion contributions. It was sad that we had to miss our big 45th, but I hope everyone plans to come to Homecoming 2021, even if it isn’t a major reunion. It will be great just being back together again in person and not on Zoom! [Editor’s note: Homecoming is currently scheduled to be held Oct. 7-10 on campus. Visit homecoming.wm.edu for more information.]

Speaking of Zoom, Cindy Reasor Broten reports that the ’75/’76 Pi Phi group continues to gather via Zoom every two weeks. They’ve even formed a book club Zoom that meets once a month. While not as great as being together in person, it has been a good way to stay connected during difficult times. Among the Pi Phi Zoom-ers: Jan Wampler Booker, Jan Rivero, Cindy Holbrook Gubb, Kathy Burke Dictor, Cathy Gonzales O’Kelly, Emily Landom Davies ’76, Beth Sanders Welsh ’76, Sue Hanna Gerdelman ’76, Jean Berger Estes, Leslie Himelright Dell, Nancy Kohlhas Gatschet, Melissa Wright Johnson, Nancy Tienken Milburn, Lisa Leonor Grable and your reporter, Leanne Dorman Kurland!

Sadly, classmate Gene Spencer passed away Nov. 30, 2019. Gene was from Emporia, Virginia, and came to William & Mary on a full football scholarship. He had a long and impressive career as a widely recognized housing finance advisor who worked with Mortgage Bankers Association, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Quicken Loans, Ocwen, CLR and others. Read more about his life.

Barb Ramsey was re-elected last May to a second four-year term on the Williamsburg City Council. As Barb so beautifully put it, “Williamsburg belongs not only to its residents, but to William & Mary students and alumni far and wide and all the visitors to Colonial Williamsburg.” As for working through pandemic hardships, the city has created various grants and programs to help businesses and nonprofits, has worked with William & Mary on best practices and signed on to the university’s “Healthy Together Community Commitment.” She said the students’ behavior has been commendable and much credit should be given to them for adapting to the crisis and persevering through it all. See the winter edition of this column, below, if you missed it for further information on Barb and the council’s activities and accomplishments, and definitely contact her anytime for more details at ramseybl@aol.com.

Cindy Holbrook Gubb checked in from Vermont. Biking, hiking, kayaking, skiing, tennis and even moonlight hikes are keeping her active (and from going crazy!) during COVID. She and her husband, Larry, managed to get to Maine for a week of “glamping” at a new resort called “Terramor” near Acadia National Park. There was too much to report on this extraordinary spot, so check it out on Google and see pictures below! Fall was especially beautiful this year with color display. Perhaps Mother Nature’s attempt to ease some of the virus stress? Her new consulting business for nonprofits is going well (see the winter edition of this column, below, for more information). She and her partner now have five clients they are working with. She and Larry continue working on house projects, another popular COVID activity it seems. We, too, have done a lot of “honey-do” projects here in Richmond!

Cindy Holbrook Gubb near Acadia National Park

Cynthia Holbrook Gubb and Larry at Terramor Resort

Connie Warren Desaulniers was featured in a Daily Press Williamsburg Magazine article, “Other Peninsula Artists to Know.” I think most of you know that after a long and successful career in marketing, Connie started pursing her passion for a career in art in 2005 and has seen great success. As the article says, her muse takes her through many styles, but her 3D work in clay sculpture and the use of layers of resin and acrylic paint on mirrors is “especially notable.” I would call it amazing! She says her art allows her to be a kid again, that “children have a different visual capability that a lot of times they lose after a while.” Following her grandmother’s advice when she was struggling with whether to pursue a career in art: “If you don’t use it, God will take it away from you.” She has also done a number of official portraits of professors and deans of the College’s Law School and its Business School as well as a former governor of Virginia. Check out her website, moonshadow.design, or her Facebook page, Connie Desaulniers Artist.

Stay well and we will gather again soon!

Judith Baroody published her first work of fiction, “Casablanca Blue: Tales of Revenge, Romance and Riches,” available on Amazon. The ten short stories are set in locations around the world, including Paris, Casablanca, Santiago, Hollywood, Dewey Beach and, although never named, a college campus that strongly resembles William & Mary! She previously published a textbook, “Media Access and the Military,” and contributed a chapter to “Quills to Tweets: How America Communicates about War and Revolution.” Judith retired after 33 years with the Foreign Service and lives in Northern Virginia with husband, Richard Krueger, and two canine companions.

Judith Baroody  Casablanca Blue

Cindy Holbrook Gubb has formed a partnership with a former colleague to form Gubb & Bongartz Nonprofit Consulting, LLC. Cindy and her partner use their extensive experience in nonprofit management, governance, community relations, marketing and fundraising to help Vermont’s nonprofit organizations reach their full potential. Even with the challenges posed by pandemic, they are busy and actively involved with three clients, with one project involving development of a $15 million community facility. As a personal friend and sorority sister of Cindy’s, it is no surprise that her relatively recent retirement from a long and successful career in advancement was not really a done deal. Congratulations, Cindy, on this next adventure. She and husband, Larry, continue to stay healthy and busy with their love of biking, hiking, kayaking, skiing, camping and travel, the later having been curtailed of late, of course, but she remains hopeful about future travels. She is keeping her fingers crossed that there is some kind of ski season this winter … or she fears for her sanity! Don’t we all. Cindy also continues in her loving and devoted caregiver role for her mom, still doing fairly well at 98!

Jeff Doyle continues his teaching and research career at Cornell’s School of Integrative Plant Science as a professor in both the plant biology section and the plant breeding and genetics section. Last month he received the American Society of Plant Taxonomists’ highest award, the Asa Gray Award. Classmate Doug Soltis received this award 14 years earlier. Jeff plans to continue his teaching and research for another five years before retiring. He and his wife, Jane, were in Williamsburg in March 2019, where he was invited by Professor Joshua Puzey to give a research seminar in the biology department. He got to reconnect with several of his professors from our college years.

John Dodd retired from his position at Wingate University this past summer and moved from Charlotte to the St. James community in Southport, North Carolina. Now he is able to indulge his passion, coaching lacrosse. John was introduced to lacrosse during his years at William & Mary by Al Albert ’69, M.Ed. ’71 and ended up becoming the founding lacrosse coach at Wingate University. Now that he is retired, he works with the Shamrocks Lacrosse Club out of Wilmington. He is looking forward to more frequent visits back to campus and to more Tribe football. As I said earlier … aren’t we all!

Jan Wampler Booker sent wonderful news that her son, David, returned from his fourth deployment in Afghanistan, reunited with his wife, Caroline, and two small children, Henry (3 1/2) and Olivia  (1 1/2) and, very happily, got to visit with mom and dad (Buz). David, with his family this time, is headed to the Netherlands for his next assignment, this one thankfully not in a combat zone.

Barb Ramsey sent in a Williamsburg City Council update, having been re-elected last May for a second four-year term. The Council is committed to collaborating and working for the best of Williamsburg and is fortunately not hampered by political posturing or squabbling. Would that could be true for all things political! Much has been accomplished during Barb’s first term. When next we can all get back to campus, you will see some significant changes to the city, especially along Monticello Road with Midtown Row (midtownrowwilliamsburg.com) scheduled to open in fall 2021. There are new dining and entertainment options throughout the city, especially in Merchants Square, and Colonial Williamsburg recently completed a major expansion of the art museum on South Nassau Street. The Council approved or partnered with William & Mary on the Launchpad for startup companies at the new Entrepreneurship Hub in Tribe Square, the Global Film Festival, the Shenkman Jewish Center, Richmond Hall and a much-improved bike/pedestrian path on Monticello Avenue. Throughout the many challenges posed by the pandemic, the city has created various grants and programs to help businesses and nonprofits and has worked together with William & Mary on best practices and has signed on to their “Healthy Together Community Commitment.” Overall, students’ behavior upon returning to campus has been commendable and much credit is owed to the them for adapting to the current crisis and preserving the goal of living, as fully possible, the William & Mary educational experience that has made all of us as alumni so proud. There’s much more Barb can tell you. Feel free to email her at ramseybl@aol.com.

I hope this finds all of you well during these challenging times, and I especially look forward to sharing lots of good news for the spring issue. GO TRIBE!

Hi, Classmates. Thanks for all the wonderful responses to my call for news!

Nancy Parrish ’75, M.A. ’79 published her newest book, “The Downton Era: Great Houses, Churchills, and Mitfords,” and it is now available at Amazon. She had a number of book talks scheduled, but sadly, COVID-19 cancellations interfered. One of them was to have been held this past July at the perfect Downton era setting, Agecroft Hall in Richmond.

Hugh Hegyi retired from the Maricopa County, Arizona, Superior Court a year ago after 15+ years as a judge. His wife, Diana, also retired at the same time from her position as the deputy court administrator. They immediately took off on extended travel through Europe with stops in Germany where Hugh grew up, Austria were he was born, Italy, Portugal, Barcelona and Paris; a week-long bike trip from Salzburg to Vienna; and a fun visit with two actor friends, now in their 80s, that he met during his childhood days in Berlin. He also went to Ukraine in May 2019 and worked in Kyiv with a USAID-funded project involving legal training for the Ukrainian Supreme Court and the country’s Anti-Corruption trial and appellate courts. Travels continued last year here in the states to New York (home to his youngest son and his fiancé) and New England, where he caught up with old friends from his early days with a New England law firm. He and his wife currently live in Phoenix, where his daughter and son also live. His oldest son and his wife, both ER doctors, and their three children live in Little Rock. Between traveling, biking, hiking, running, playing guitar, piano and visiting family, retirement is very busy!

James Monacell has written a memoir, “Stuck Inside — Memoirs of a Shy Guy.” Told in personal vignettes throughout his life, it depicts his struggles dealing with excruciating shyness and how he overcame the many challenges faced. James met and later married classmate Tracy Trentadue in the Wren Chapel, became a lawyer in Atlanta and has three children. Jim’s book provides a unique and honest window into one individual’s journey and is available at lulu.com as well as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Susan Gedettis Kraterfield and her husband Gary report they are managing fairly well during COVID-19 days, but she misses gathering with her live ensemble group where they used to pack into the high school band room for rehearsal. She put out an open call and managed to put together a quintet of french horn, clarinet and oboe sections … playing in their carport! Appropriately socially distant, of course. Susan also belongs to a quilt guild and they had project challenge “What’s Virginia Famous for?” Here is her entry … the Wren bell tower with the W&M Cipher ghosted over it. Way to say “Go Tribe,” Susan!

W&M Quilt Block


Cathy Gonzales O’Kelly and her husband Paul are proud first-time new grandparents! John Rafael Costanza (Jack) joined the family April 19, 7 pounds 9 ounces and 20 inches. Proud parents Colleen and Tony Costanza and baby Jack are all doing great, and because all of the family live in Chicago, including Cathy and Paul’s son Myles O’Kelly ’12, they get to see one another often.

Gary Powers has partnered with Don Delaney and Sarah Bane Williams ’76, M.B.A. ’78 to provide mentor services on behalf of The Success Foundation (TSF), a non-profit he and Don started in October 2018. TSF provides ongoing mentor services and workforce readiness training workshops in the Richmond area for young adults who have come through the foster care system and currently participate in independent living programs. Gary’s oldest son, Matt, was married in New Delhi this past January. His daughter-in-law was originally from New Delhi and she and Matt now reside in Brooklyn.

Margery Daughtrey had the most unique bit of news I’ve ever received as class reporter. She has had a downy mildew named for her. Seriously! Margery is a senior extension associate at Cornell’s Long Island Horticultural Research and Extension Center. Her research focuses on improving disease management of pathogens that cause damage to greenhouse and nursery plants. In the course of her research, she discovered this new fungus-like organism that attacks cleome (spider flower) that now bears her name, Hyaloperonospora daughtreyae. Margery says the path that led to her career as a plant pathologist began with Dr. Coursen’s mycology class (study of fungi) and Dr. Mathes’ punny plant physiology class, which led to an honors thesis on an azalea gall which eventually led to Cornell. How many people can claim they were part of the research that discovered a new organism … and that organism was name after them! Margery included pictures of a healthy cleome and a diseased one, but she also included a picture featuring a bit of the Green & Gold. Her hand-crafted glass pendant was made by a retired W&M professor. Much better picture than a diseased cleome!

Margery Daughtry


Wayne Plumly, Jr. celebrated his 40th year at Valdosta State University, Georgia, and is currently dean of the Langdale College of Business. His W&M degree was in economics and he received his master’s and Ph.D. in economics from Georgia State University. His research interests are in labor economics, public finance, and the economics of education, and he serves as an economic consultant/expert witness for tort classes across the United States. Wayne has received a plethora of teaching awards, among them the University System of Georgia Board of Regents’ 1998 Regents Teaching Excellence Award, and the first-ever 2004 VSU Excellence in Teaching Award. His wife, Cindy Kay, is from Griffin, Georgia. They have been married 28 years and have three children and 11 grandchildren. I think that may be a record number of grandchildren among our classmates, Wayne! Wayne’s contact information: lwplumly@valdosta.edu

Arthur Cone sends greetings and a call for everyone’s continued support of and for William & Mary and our extended W&M community during these challenging times. He also gave me a moniker that I love ... “class scribe.” Thanks, Arthur!

Don Fergusson had a great update about Falcon Brae Villa. Some of you may remember a previous report that Don had recognized a lifelong dream and purchased a property on the South Island of New Zealand. At last, it opened to guests in December 2019. Timing not perfect as far as COVID, but they are looking forward to New Zealand reopening to international guests in 2021 with their lifelong dream fully realized. It is perched 500 feet above the Motueka River. As to the name ... “brae” is Scottish for a hill above a river, and they have resident falcons. Clearly ... all boxes checked as to the name! A picture, as they say, is worth a thousand words, so see below. I’m ready to go! While quite remote, sitting on 300 acres with a million-acre National Park across the river, it is just an hour’s drive from Nelson, in the heart of world-class trout fishing, wineries, galleries, heli-tours, coastal hiking, kayaking and sailing. www.falconbraevilla.co.nz 

Falcon Brae Villa, New Zealand


In other news, Don and a group of Sigma Chi brothers gathered for a reunion on the Outer Banks last November. In attendance: Mac McClure, Rick Johnson, Dale Cropper, Jim Firebaugh ’74, C.A.S. ’83, Dave Slavin ’76, John Rickman ’76, Dan Riina ’76, Larry Luck ’76, Stan “Sonny” Watters ’76, Glen Willsey ’76, Jeff Green ’76 and Darr Barshis ’76. A great time was had by all with fishing and tall tales of the last 45 years. 

Ed Burnette ’75, J.D. ’78 retired in January from his job as a Circuit Court Judge for the City of Lynchburg. He spent over 18 years on the bench, including time on the Circuit Court and General District Court. He is enjoying retirement and sums it up well …  he traded crime, conflict and disfunction for music, golf and scuba! But beginning this fall, he is going to teach trial advocacy at Washington and Lee University School of Law and has also been named the first “Jurist in Residence” at Liberty University School of Law.

Mike Surface continues working as an engineer for Dominion Energy helping power plants comply with environmental regulations. Mike lives in Richmond, and as it turns out, just a few blocks from where I now live! He has two children in their 20s also living in Richmond. He recently connected after a long hiatus with one of his roommates, Ernie Peixotto ’76, who is married to Peggy Shaffer Peixotto. Mike and Ernie lived in Tyler A and Lodge 1. A few years ago, he was at a social gathering in Richmond and saw another guest who was wearing a lot of W&M gear. It turned out to be Tommy Markham, who lived across the hall in Taliaferro B freshman year. You never know when and where the bonds of Green & Gold will pop up!

Connie Desaulniers has an update about the art show she and Kathy Hornsby ’79 are putting on at the Stryker Center, as reported in the spring issue. Sadly, as with so many events due to COVID-19, the show “Colors: Hornsby and Desaulniers” had to be postponed until fall 2021. Check the website for updates and more information. https://www.moonshadow.design/contact  Although disappointed about the postponement, Connie had a wonderfully positive attitude … she said it gives them more time to create more art!

Meredith Merritt-Beagle had rather disturbing but also celebratory news. She survived brain cancer, a rare from of tumor known as astrocytoma. Regularly scheduled screenings have been good so far and show no signs of the tumor returning. But the celebratory part is that, as she was going through speech therapy where she was reading at a child’s level, she began writing children’s books! She now reads normally and has fleshed out four stories. She is currently working with an illustrator and hoping to have the first one on YouTube by this fall.

Some news passed along by Maryanne Smith ’78: The Rev. Jim Beavers ’75, M.A.Ed. ’78 was recognized in the Culpeper Times for his service to Dogwood Village retirement community in Orange County, Virginia. Jim earned both a B.S. and Master of Arts degree from W&M. He obtained his Master of Divinity and was ordained an Anglican priest in 2009. Previously Jim served in primary and secondary education, both as a teacher and head of school for two Christian schools. He has also worked for nonprofit organizations including Open Doors and the C. S. Lewis Institute. In May 2011 he was called to Christ Anglican Fellowship in Orange, Virginia where he continues to serve. In his spare time, Jim enjoys photography, graphic design, nature study and lawn and garden care. Jim met his wife Anne Clark Beavers ’75, at William & Mary. They have been married for 42 years, have three grown children and seven grandchildren.

Barb Ramsey was re-elected to the Williamsburg City Council last May. The class sends its congratulations and thanks you for your service to the city. Your ties to the College help foster continued successful relations between "Town & Gown," now more than ever as both entities work toward health and safety for residents and the entire W&M community during the extreme challenges of pandemic.

Patricia Watkinson reports that she after graduation, she taught secondary school for 10 years in Williamsburg, then went to graduate school at the University of Virginia and earned a doctorate in European history. She taught European history at Randolph-Macon College for 20 years until 2015 and is now semi-retired. Historians never really retire! She sadly lost her husband and best friend, Jim, two years ago, also a fellow historian. She met him in graduate school and he taught American history at Virginia Commonwealth University. She has downsized from their house in Richmond and she now lives in Henrico. She has two grandchildren and stays in touch with Kappa Kappa Gamma sisters Leslie Scent Knicely, Lynne Shackelford and Elaine Justice. She also caught up with Tom Wilke ’75, M.A.Ed. ’77, Ed Burnette ’75, J.D. ’78 and Marilyn Ward Midyette at last February’s Charter Day. She has many hobbies and interests but described her favorite activity as “encouraging and enjoying her relationships with others.”

I’ll close quoting Patricia Watkinson: “My friendships are my greatest ‘hobby.’”

If everyone in the world felt that way, just imagine what our world would look like!

Thanks, everyone, and GO TRIBE!

It’s with great sadness that I start this issue with somber news, which I’m sure so many of you knew, that dear friend and classmate, John Gerdelman, passed away Jan. 4. For those who didn’t know John, he was an extraordinary man, a loving husband to Sue Hanna Gerdelman ’76, a father to Emily Gerdelman Ridjaneck ’07 and Mark Gerdelman M.B.A. ’13, M.Acc. ’13 and grandfather to Ryland, Cooper and Ben. He was a loyal friend to countless people, business associates and former Navy colleagues. Our alma mater meant everything to John. He was a dedicated and long-serving champion of all things William & Mary. The Green & Gold were clearly his favorite colors. He lived life with passion, integrity honor and joy. He’ll be sorely missed by all who knew and loved him.

Will Vehrs has retired, downsized, built an in-law apartment and is doing full-time childcare with his wife. Wasn’t sure if that’s in a professional business capacity or as really great grandparents, but either way, he says working at the office was easier! He also has appeared in two plays and a short film. 

Connie Desaulniers and Kathy Yankovich Hornsby ’79 are having a collaborative art show in Williamsburg from Sept. 12 to Nov. 21, 2020, at the Stryker Building at 412 N. Boundary St. in Williamsburg. “Colors: Hornsby and Desaulniers” will feature Connie’s lyrical, color saturated paintings and Kathy’s emotive, colorful photography (such as the kaleidoscopic effect of flowers shot underwater). They’ll have also have additional merchandise available (scarves, cards, possibly clothing and other accessories) on the show’s final weekend before Thanksgiving. For more information, contact connie@moonshadow.design. More details will be featured on the show’s website. 

And besides the news I shared in the last issue that I was moving (a bit of advice here — never move during the holidays!), I have some more wonderful news to share. We welcomed our first grandchild in October. Addison Rose Kurland joined the family, courtesy of son Lee Kurland ’05 and wife Erin. Christmas was especially joyful this year for our family.

This spring’s column is embarrassingly short! With the holidays and the new baby and the move (more advice — not only should you not move during the holidays, I think we’re getting too old to move! This one was rough!), I neglected to get out a reminder, so please send me your news, even now. Class Notes also appear in the online version of the W&M Alumni Magazine at magazine.wm.edu. I can edit that at any time, so I can update this copy with your news long before the next issue arrives in the fall. As always, send your news to leannekurland@gmail.com and do visit the Alumni Association website. If you go to magazine.wm.edu/class-notes that’ll take you right to the magazine. Of course, wm.edu works as well. Once there, you just have to select “Alumni” from the menu. In both cases, scroll down to the bottom for Class Notes.


Dorothy “Dottie” McKenzie was awarded the United States Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award upon her retirement in June 2018 after 38 years with the Navy as a radiation health physicist. Thank you for your service, Dottie. She married Gary C. Breeden, Captain MSC USN (ret.), on June 29 in Smithfield, Virginia, at historic St. Luke’s Church (the oldest brick church in Virginia), and honeymooned in Kinsale, Dingle and Dromoland Castle, Ireland. She’s enjoying retirement with travel and visits to her grandsons (ages 2-8, one in South Carolina, two in New Jersey) and cousins in the Charlotte area. Along with helping with her grandchildren (her daughter is also expecting twins this December), she has taken classes in diverse subjects from introductory Turkish at Old Dominion University to Norfolk Master Gardener classes. My sincere apologies to Dottie for failing to get her news in both last spring’s as well as this past fall’s issues.

Mary Gentile, in addition to her roles as professor of practice at University of Virginia Darden School of Business and senior advisor at Aspen Institute Business & Society Program, is a management education and leadership development consultant and is the creator/director of “Giving Voice to Values,” an international pioneering business curriculum for value-driven leadership. As a result of her success, she has been short-listed for the Thinkers50 Ideas into Practice Award,and the winners will be announced in London in November 2019. Congratulations, Mary. For more information, go to www.GivingVoiceToValues.org and https://thinkers50.com/thinkers50-2019

Carmella Maurizi reported from the San Juan Islands where she and husband Mark Bladergroen spent time with daughter Erin Bladergroen Phillips ’03, her husband Jeffrey Phillips ’04, their two grandsons Benjamin and Connor, and classmate Rob Scarr. For those unfamiliar (among those: me!), the San Juan Islands are in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Summer also found Carmella and Mark in Williamsburg, where they met up with Marilyn Ward Midyette and Payne Midyette and the Carrons (Project Plus “Resident Parents” 1972-1973) for golf and dinner.

Anna Mikula Pawlewicz and Rick Pawlewicz retired, moving from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Wilmington, Delaware. Clearly Wilmington weather is less challenging, but more importantly, there is one grandchild in Brooklyn, three in Montreal and two in Washington, D.C. And the train station for travel is just across the street!

Jonathan Jarvis, although retired from the National Park Service after 40 years (seven years as director), launched the Institute for Parks, People and Biodiversity at UC Berkeley, bringing the best sciences to the future of our parks and reserves. In that capacity, he led an interdisciplinary team to China to evaluate their efforts and establish a national park system. Search "National Park China" at blogs.berkeley.edu.

Gary Powers reports that he and classmate Don Delaney co-founded the Success Foundation in October 2018, a Richmond nonprofit, teaching employment readiness skills to the underserved. Currently they teach young adults (17-21) living independently who have aged out of the foster care system. They also partnered with Richmond Communities at Work, whose goal is to train the underserved in workforce readiness skills and then connect them to jobs.

And I have news. You may notice a new address above. When you read this, we will have moved from our townhouse in Glen Allen to a 1908 house in the Fan! Very excited. Come visit, and GO TRIBE!


Dorothy “Dottie” McKenzie to Gary C. Breeden, 06/29/19.

Bruce Falk and wife Dianne gathered with Mike Madden ’75, M.Ed. ’77, Chris Jackson ’77, Jan Jackson ’78, M.A.Ed. ’86, Steve Hendricks ’77 and Andy Vanderhoof ’77 for the wedding of Andy’s son Zac.

Jan Booker added a new granddaughter to her tribe. Olivia was born to son David and Caroline on April 22, joining two-year-old Henry. Jan’s other grandson and granddaughter, courtesy of Armistead Booker ’02 and Elisa, bring grandchildren total to four. To quote Jan: “Life is good!”

Judith Raine Baroody was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Public Diplomacy Association of America and was selected as chairman of the Awards Committee. She recently retired from 33 years in the Foreign Service and continues working at the State Department.

Arthur Cone lives in Colorado, retired from Coca-Cola in 2015 and is now an advisor with Prudential, specializing in retirement planning. He has two daughters in high school.

Cindy Holbrook Gubb retired in April as director of advancement at Burr and Burton Academy in Vermont. During her 13 years, she helped raise over $50 million for the school. She is now involved in a variety of volunteer services and is preparing for a bike ride fundraiser for the Norris Cotten Cancer Center in Vermont and New Hampshire. Traveling, skiing, hiking and home-based projects keep her more than busy. Retirement has a new meaning these days!

Roy Terry and Jane Koenig Terry, with a small alumni army, organized dinner for the William & Mary Choir’s Spring Tour final concert held at River Road Church in Richmond. Cooks and worker bees: Van Black, Debbie Graves D’Angelo ’76, Tom Ferguson ’75, M.B.A. ’78, Willie Jones ’74 and Norah Lulich Jones, Nancy McMahon, Terri McMahon ’79, Jeff Mincks ’75, J.D. ’78 and Kym Powell Mincks, Mark and Terri Bartlett Osborne ’75, M.A.Ed. ’80, Francis Ferguson Walinsky ’76 and Mark Woolley ’77 and Ann Spielman Woolley. Choir alums joined in the singing of “Shenandoah,” which closes each concert.

Russell Ellison III shared sad news of his father’s passing. Russell P. Ellison, Jr. ’48 was a member of the W&M national championship tennis team. Russ recalls his dad’s many stories from the forties, including giving up his dorm room for Secret Service personnel when President Truman came to town. Russ worked for the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality for 42 years and his son, John Ellison ’08, makes the third generation of W&M Ellisons.

Nancy Kohlhas Gatschet was in D.C. in April for a “Lobby Day for Lung Force,” a women’s advocacy and support organization for lung cancer research, and met up with Nancy Tienken Milburn. The two Nancys met on their first day on campus and have remained friends since graduation.

Bill Smyth lives in Charleston, South Carolina, is active in several Charleston historic preservation organizations and continues teaching at the School of Arts where he has taught for the last 15 years. Bill has two daughters he visits often, one in Maryland and one in Seattle, and he maintains ties with many W&M friends.

James Harmon already has reservations for our 2020 45th reunion! He and a large group of classmates always stay at Colonial Williamsburg’s Chiswell Bucktrout House. We should all follow your lead, James, and make our reservations now!

Peter Logan worked for Colonial Williamsburg for several years after graduation, moved to Detroit and then has been in Ann Arbor for 27 years. He and his wife Elaine have two granddaughters that live just up the street.

David Fedeles sold his house in St. Croix, but will still rent a home there to continue his St. Croix real estate business. He has several enviable residences elsewhere and will be enjoying retirement soon. Look for him somewhere between Vermont, New Jersey and New York City.

And I have some news! My husband, Alex Kurland HON ’19, was made an Honorary Alumnus during this year’s Commencement! It was, and will always remain, a beyond imaginable honor. Now webothcall the College “Alma Mater.” Go Tribe!

After 40 years, Bill Prince has partially retired from his law practice in Columbia, South Carolina. His oldest son just became a member of the bar and his youngest has been accepted to W&M Law School.

Arthur Cone left Transamerica Financial Advisors last July and is now a senior financial advisor with Prudential Advisors, specializing in retirement planning and small business benefits programs.

Connie Warren Desaulniers just completed her fourth commissioned portrait for the university, this one of Charles Quittmeyer ’40, first dean of the W&M Business School (now the Raymond A. Mason School of Business). Charles was dean during our college years. Connie knew him through her father, Bill Warren, a business school professor at that same time. Visit her website to see her amazing works: www.moonshadow.design/portraits.

Carmella Maurizi Bladergroen and Mark Bladergroen celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Sept. 2, 2018, in Williamsburg. Carmella is now retired from her solo law and mediation practice and keeps up with her Kappa sisters. See Cathy Wilson below. Mark continues his 30-year career as a heart surgeon and is the medical director for cardiac surgery in Richmond at Bon Secours. They have four grandchildren, ages 4 to 7.

Marcia Carl Simpkins ’75, M.Ed. ’77 and her husband, Fred Simpkins ’69, M.B.A. ’78, met at W&M Business School and just celebrated their business school class’s 40th reunion. They have both been at Wells Fargo Advisors in Washington, D.C., Marcia for 40 years. Their son and daughter, Crawford and Alice, live and work in the same area. They stay connected with classmates Sharon Pandak ’75, J.D. ’78, Linda Cleek Gray, Amanda Linden Moody, Joan Harrigan and Jim Weekley. Fred celebrates his 50th reunion this spring.

Heldur Liivak and Beth DiPace Liivak ’76 have moved to Yorktown, Virginia, just across the river from their previous home in Gloucester. They upsized and have lots of room for travelers and guests. Drop in! Their new address is 803 Marlbank Drive, Yorktown, Virginia.

Jack Blush, a collector for 40 years of memorabilia, photos and relics about Washington, D.C., legendary brewer Christian Heurich, has made possible an exhibit at the Heurich House Museum in the nation’s capital. Interesting fact: when Heurich died in 1956, he was the largest nongovernment employer and landowner in Washington, D.C. Go to bizjournals.com and search “Heurich” to learn more.

Cathy Wilson sent news that Kappas and Tri-Delts gathered last October in Williamsburg for a great 65th birthday celebration. Activities included tours of Barrett Hall, Sorority Court, and Special Collections at Swem Library. There was a trunk show at Blink featuring Connie Desaulniers' clothing and plenty of partying! In attendance: Annelle Vaden Hodges, Barb Ramsey, Barb Tatem Kelley, Connie Desaulniers, Mary Beth Barney ’75, Lynne Shackelford, Pat Ferguson Watkinson, Terri Bartlett Osborne ’75, M.A.Ed. ’80, Carmella Maurizi, Leslie Scent Knicely, Lynn Smith Swanson, Mary Lou Giermak Nexsen, Diane Cale Stewart, Marilyn Ward Midyette, Megan Philpotts Padden, Debbie Allen Hewitt, Barb Briesmaster Sensabaugh, Jan Johnson Oxford and surprise guest Ann Ruble ’77 at Saturday festivities.

John Gerdelman says he retired in 2018. I am skeptical, knowing how busy he always is. But he’s still enjoying living in Williamsburg and spending plenty of time at W&M events. This was John’s first news to Class Notes, so everyone… do as John did and send me your news!

Van Black sent a note of thanks to those classmates who expressed interest in the work Corey Trench ’76 is doing with the Hope Family Village mental health initiative. Check the updates at hopefamilyvillage.org. The first house could open as early as summer while plans continue to develop a full village in the future.

Jonathan Jarvis ’75, D.P.S. ’12 retired from the National Park Service after 40 years, seven of those as director under President Obama. He launched the Institute for Parks, People and Biodiversity at the University of California, Berkeley, bringing the best science to the future of our parks reserves.

Apologies to Richard Lampman ’75, M.A. ’75 and Marty Kress Lampman. Did not want to short-change your news. Will send it, and others’ updates, in an all-class email as well as in the next magazine edition.


Ray Grochowski sent in his first update. It’s never too late! After a brief stay in Williamsburg after graduation, Ray joined the Navy, married his high school sweetheart, Diane, and served eight years active duty, mostly on destroyers. They settled in the Maryland suburbs of Washington D.C., where he went to law school at Georgetown. He practiced law in the capital for about twenty years and worked at the firm of fellow W&M alumnus and friend Gary Cross ’76. Ray retired as partner, then became general counsel in 2013 for Paradigm Precision, an aircraft engine parts manufacturer, where he continues to work. He and Diane have four children. 

Randy Duvall sent news that he, Butch Palmer and Robert Eley ’76 worked together last June assisting in the construction of a church sanctuary in Chixtontic, Chiapas, Mexico where Randy serves as missionary-in-residence during the summer months for Hebron USA. Randy is the director of missions for First Presbyterian in Virginia Beach.

Don Harvey (another first-time sender of news!) recently retired, having served as a pastor for several congregations in Virginia and North Carolina. He also served as a consultant for the Center for Healthy Churches. He and his wife, Connie, a retired educator, have been married 39 years, have two children and four grandchildren, all living in Winston-Salem. He and Connie now live on the family farm in Nelson County. He visits Williamsburg often and stays in touch with roommate Sam Jones (W&M vice president of finance) and his wife Julie Jones ’76, Rose Browning and her husband, Bert Browning ’73.

A sad note from Vic Biebighauser — his wife, Elizabeth, passed away December 30, 2017, after her battle with early onset Alzheimer’s (diagnosed in 2012). He was grateful for the support of close friends and his Kappa Alpha fraternity brothers during many difficult years.

Margery L. Daughtrey co-authored a book titled “The Compendium of Bedding Plant Diseases and Pests,” published by APS Press. She continues to enjoy her work as an ornamentals plant pathologist for Cornell.

Bruce Falk is still working, as is his wife, Dianne. Their older son, Matt, is in the Marine Corp, and their younger son, Trevor, got married late last year. At the wedding were fraternity brothers Mike Madden ’75, M.Ed. ’77, Dave Restuccia, Andy Vanderhoof ’77, Steve Hendricks ’77 and Chris Jackson ’77. All are planning to meet up for Homecoming & Reunion Weekend again this year. Bruce and Dave took an “almost” cross-country trip from Minneapolis to Portland last May.

Jan Shores Watkins has been appointed as a member of the Batchelder Committee of the American Library Association. The committee reads and recommends children’s and young adult books from other countries for inclusion in a list of recommended reading for America’s young readers. Jan, by the way, was one of those who had to evacuate the Outer Banks due to Hurricane Florence, but fortunately, all was well at her home.

Mindy Wolff continues to participate (and excel!) in competitive swimming. At the Masters Nationals in May 2018, she had two first-place finishes in the 50- and 100-yard breast stroke (she broke the national record for the 50 yard!); three third places and one seventh place. She runs into W&M Masters swim team members at the many meets where she competes. She continues tutoring ACT/SAT prep, which she’s been doing for 15 years, and is a volunteer coach for her area local swim team. Her husband, Ed, works for DowDuPont, and they have three sons.

Twelve Pi Phis gathered in Marshall, Virginia, at the home of Nancy Tienken Milburn for their annual reunion: Jan Wampler Booker, Leslie Himelright Dell, Kathy Burke Dictor, Nancy Kohlhas Gatschet, Melissa Wright Johnson, Cathy Gonzales O’Kelly, Jean Berger Estes, Sue Hannah Gerdelman ’76, Emily Davies ’76, Beth Sanders Welsh ’76 and me!

Thanks for all the updates. Go Tribe!