Why Should I Volunteer?
October 3, 2022
Howard J. Busbee ’65, J.D. ’67, M.L.T. ’68, L.H.D. ’22, P ’90, P ’04

Have you ever wondered, “Why should I raise my hand to volunteer my time, talents and support for William & Mary?” Many of your fellow alumni have asked the same question. Perhaps you care deeply about what happens next at the Alma Mater of the Nation. Perhaps you have professional expertise that could benefit an advisory board. Perhaps you remember the opportunities you were given as a student, and want to return the favor. Or perhaps you want to reconnect and want others to reconnect with our beloved university. Whatever the reason, rewarding volunteer opportunities await you.
As a student racing across campus when I was late for class, or sitting in the stands at an athletics event, it never came to mind that I’d someday be interested in volunteering — but over the years, literally thousands of us have done exactly that in service to our Tribe community.
Volunteer leaders are vital partners in engaging with our 100,000+ alumni worldwide. They include alumni and friends who have raised their hands to say they want to give their time and resources to connect with and advance the William & Mary Alumni Association (WMAA), organizations across our campus, and one another. For example, volunteers have stepped forward to serve:
- On our WMAA Board of Directors and other university boards
- On the advisory boards and Leadership Circles for our identity and affinity groups, including the inaugural Crim Dell Association Advisory Board that was formed this summer
- In our regional networks around the country
- For our class reunions and as class ambassadors
- As mentors or internship sponsors for current students and recent graduates to help further our career development initiatives, which are a crucial part of the university’s Vision 2026 strategic plan
- As guest speakers for W&M classes or as panel discussion participants for special programs
- In the admission volunteer network
- By getting involved with W&M professional networks
Whether you have a little time to give or a lot, there are many ways to get involved.
For my wife, Mary, and me, serving the W&M community as volunteers over the years has been a highly rewarding experience. Our volunteerism has included service as members of the WMAA and various other foundation boards, the Lord Botetourt Athletic Auction Committee, the Olde Guarde Council, and as current co-chairs of The Honorable Robert Boyle Legacy Society.
We have received back far more than we’ve given, watching the positive effects that volunteer efforts have made across the William & Mary universe while building lasting friendships. If you choose to invest in this way, we’re confident that you will serve alongside other highly motivated people who really appreciate your giving back, and it comes with the guarantee that you will grow the value of your diploma! You’ll do good things for the university, and you’ll make connections that will benefit you.
As you read this column, please know that I feel fortunate to represent you, our alumni, and to support the important work of alumni engagement in my role as the interim CEO of the WMAA. Along this pathway leading to our next CEO, I hope to see many more of you support W&M as volunteers. Please visit wmalumni.com/volunteer to review the interest form and “raise your hand”… thank you!
Take care, and GO TRIBE!