Fall 2021 Issue

W&M Launches Micro-Internships Platform

By Claire De Lisle M.B.A. ’21

William & Mary has partnered with Parker Dewey to launch a new platform to pair employers with members of the W&M community seeking micro-internship opportunities. Micro-internships are short-term professional projects, typically 10-40 hours, that help applicants build experience and provide a flexible way to meet employers’ needs.

Parker Dewey calls applicants “career launchers,” and while the platform is aimed
at undergraduate and graduate W&M students, anyone can apply for micro-internships through the service.

“Because these opportunities are short-term, paid and virtual, career launchers can work with organizations across the country they may not have been able to before, increasing access and equity,” says Lisa Randolph, assistant director of experiential learning at the Cohen Career Center.

Employers set the pay for each project. Parker Dewey handles the paperwork and payroll and provides guidance and support to both applicants and employers. The platform provides sample projects or employers can design their own.

Visit info.parkerdewey.com/wm/featured to learn more and post or apply for a micro-internship.