James Blair Hallway

Joseph McClain

Bray School Uncovered
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Colonial Williamsburg joins William & Mary to research, relocate and interpret 18th-century Bray School for enslaved and free Black children
geoLab Examines the World's Data
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William & Mary is home to a unique undergraduate research program: the Geospatial Evaluation and Observation Lab, or geoLab.
Virginia's Finest Faculty
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Rowan Lockwood, a professor in William & Mary’s Department of Geology, and Jeffrey Bellin, University Professor for Teaching Excellence at W&M Law School, are 2019 recipients of Virginia Outstanding Faculty Awards.
Science Champs
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William & Mary team First Runner-Up in iGEM competition
Art & Science
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Muscarelle Museum of Art chief curator identifies C?zanne painting
It Takes a Research University
It takes a research university to bring together the resources required to address big questions, but the term “research university” takes a bit of unpacking...
Something's Brewing
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The Historic Campus has seen a lot since the College’s 1693 founding and much of it — revolution, fires, a Civil War battle — was destructive.