Lessons in Leadership
January 18, 2023
Jacob A. Miller ’18

The annual McGlothlin Leadership Forum, made possible thanks to the leading generosity of the forum’s co-founders, James “Jim” W. McGlothlin ’62, J.D. ’64, LL.D. ’00 and Frances “Fran” Gibson McGlothlin ’66, L.H.D. ’18, was held Oct. 11-12 at Miller Hall.
In recognition of his lifetime professional achievements, forum co-founder Jim McGlothlin was named the 2022 Virginia Business Person of the Year by Virginia Business.
The much-anticipated event brings distinguished leaders in business and law to William & Mary each year for discussion with students from W&M Law School and the Raymond A. Mason School of Business about today’s important national and global business trends.
The forum’s two keynote speakers were Virginia Secretary of Finance Stephen E. Cummings and former Vice President of People Operations for Amazon and current Secretary of the W&M Board of Visitors Ardine Williams. Cummings and Williams shared their personal and professional experiences and advice on what makes a distinguished leader, fielding questions from students as well as the forum’s hosts. Williams also hosted two candid small-group sessions on leadership with forum participants.