James Blair Hallway

Jack Ehlenberger '20

Building a Sustainable World
Fred Kukelhaus ’05 furnishes innovative spaces
Rear Admiral Bill Sizemore M.B.A. ’89 flew with and trained the best
Mighty Connections
Online Exclusive
Mike Porath ’97 founded The Mighty, a digital health community aimed at empowering and connecting people who face health challenges and disabilities.
Paying it Forward: Lamar Shambley ’10 helps Brooklyn teens study abroad
Online Exclusive
In collaboration with Centro MundoLengua Teens of Color Abroad students will improve their language and cultural fluency through a combination of innovative classroom instruction, real-life interaction in homestays and a variety of cultural activities.
Filling the Gaps: Alumna uses technology to provide pre-K education to all
Online Exclusive
Though federal, state and private programs in the last half-century have expanded early education, there are still more than two million 4-year-olds in the United States without access to pre-K. Claudia Miner ’78 is working to make quality early education available to all at no cost to families.