Dr. Jeffrey Wilson ’88 draws on his military and medical background to craft novels about covert ops and dangerous missions.
Get yourself in the mood for Halloween by reading up on Virginia’s most famous accused witch, or sit down with a young reader and explore the changing seasons. Those are just two of the titles from William & Mary alumni included in our latest compilation.
A Pulitzer Prize winner’s in-depth research on the Revolutionary War, a family’s adventures traveling
across North America in a camper van, a torrid romance and the wonderful world of coral reefs are among the subjects featured in this quarterly selection of titles by William & Mary alumni authors.
Readers will rejoice this winter over a big pile of books by W&M alumni authors
Alumni authors make the summer cool with new books to enjoy
New books by W&M alumni promise a bouquet of interesting reads this spring
Find your next “must read” in the spring quarterly book roundup of titles written by W&M alumni and faculty.
Grab a cup of your favorite hot beverage, prop up your feet and get lost in the warmth of a good book by W&M alumni and faculty, the latest collection profiled here in the W&M Alumni Association Magazine's quarterly book roundup.
From dodo bird detectives to Cold War espionage to illustrated poetry, William & Mary alumni and professors will keep your noses stuck in books this fall. Read all about their fun, thoughtful, nerve-wracking and enthralling titles in our quarterly book roundup.
Hiking? Swimming? Traveling? Driving kids around? Whatever you’re doing this summer — whether your feet are planted in the sand or in the stands at baseball practice, there’s always time to enjoy a good book. Find the perfect read in the quarterly roundup of recently published books by William & Mary alumni and faculty.
From an exercise program to gardening resources to fictional flights of fancies, William & Mary faculty and alumni will keep you busy this spring with a bevy of new books. This is the latest in our quarterly series of recently published titles by the William & Mary community.
Whether you’re warm inside by a fire or taking a long ride on a ski lift, winter is the perfect season to curl up with a book. Have no fear; William & Mary alumni and faculty have readers of any age and interest covered with a bevy of new books.
Summertime is ripe with books by William & Mary alumni. In The Gale quarterly roundup of recently published books authored or co-authored by W&M community members, readers will be sure to find great beach reads to end the summer on a sweet note and thoughtful reads to start the fall off right.